Sunsetting Thirstic and NetSnips

Johannes Erschbamer · June 25, 2024

Thirstic has now been available in the App Store for almost 5 years. NetSnips is even older; I released the app in the summer of 2012. Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that I announce the official discontinuation of both apps on August 31, 2024.

Thirstic and NetSnips will no longer be available in the App Store after this date. However, existing users will still be able to use both apps, although no new updates will be provided.

In recent years, I have unfortunately not been able to give these apps the attention they deserve.

I want to thank all the users of my apps for their trust. During the 12 years I have been active in the App Store, I have learned an incredible amount, experimented, and connected with many users from around the world. I am very grateful for this experience and will carry it with me for a lifetime.

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